Step challenge and solidarity run

Getting moving has never been easier! Our gamified application offers step challenges, missions, quizzes and solidarity challenges, enabling your teams to surpass themselves together.


It's not just a step challenge

Sustainable mobility

We'll start by putting the terms into practice. After this cohesion challenge, you'll know everything there is to know about sustainable mobility. Simple, basic.

With quizzes and photo challenges, you'll learn to rethink the way you get around. No more losing your car keys, now it's your transport card that's going to make you late.


As well as being good for the planet, this challenge will be good for your back. No more sedentary lifestyles: you'll be moving around on foot, running or even by bike. You'll have earned your sofa evenings.

Solidarity mission (optional)

Give meaning to your actions through physical activity, to support humanitarian, ecological and fair trade causes.

By getting involved together and bringing your employees together, you can coordinate your efforts in support of responsible, socially responsible actions.
You're not alone in accomplishing your feats; the reward is collective, because everything is done as a team.

In 2022, thanks to the mobilization of participants on the Squadeasy application, over 2.5 million euros were donated to CSR causes, using our "Solidarity Mission" feature!


The power of the app

iPhone 14 Pro Max (8)
The teams
The social network
The chat
Photo challenges
The solidarity mission
Multimodal tracker
In-app messages
Employees take charge, creating their own team in their own image. Forget the traditional hierarchy, here everyone has the power to form a team that truly reflects themselves. Whether it's a sporting challenge or a solidarity project, let them express their creativity and strengthen bonds in their own way.
Here, every success, big or small, is celebrated. The app's social features encourage the sharing of experiences and the building of a close-knit community. A social network that's just like you - it's always easier to create links that bring you together.
SquadEasy chat is where missions come to life. It's a dynamic space where your team comes together to discuss, plan and celebrate successes. It's the unstoppable tool that will strengthen your cohesion and bond your team a little more every day.
Choose a photo challenge to match your adventure. Offer your employees personalized photo themes such as "cycling with colleagues" or "smiles in the office", and encourage your teams to communicate internally. These challenges are a fun way to earn points and highlight everyone's positive actions. Even weekend warriors will climb the podium.
Whether you want to test your knowledge of your corporate culture, sustainable mobility or your CSR strategy, our quizzes are a fun, interactive way to learn on a daily basis. Mind you, each quiz earns points, so it's bound to become a hot topic at the coffee machine.
Your employees earn the greatest medals when they make their team shine within the company. Our ranking system is a celebration of individual and collective efforts. It encourages natural competition and motivates teams to excel.
At SquadEasy, we turn cohesion into social impact. Our solidarity mission feature brings employees together around meaningful social projects to benefit NGOs and associations. Joining forces for a common mission is our superpower.
Chez SquadEasy, pas besoin d'être Mbappé pour marquer des buts. Nos missions quotidiennes, adaptées à chaque profil, permettent de réaliser des quêtes et des défis ludiques en équipe. Because we're always stronger together when it comes to collaboration and cooperation.

Daily step missions for all levels. 6,000 steps a day, with higher floors for the winners!
We've all got that colleague who always goes the extra mile for others, the one who bikes home from work or runs the equivalent of a marathon in the space of a weekend. With the boost feature: give them strength. Activate a boost to energize one member of your team for 24 hours, increasing points and motivation for all. When we say there'll be sport.
Our multimodal tracker, integrated into the SquadEasy app, gets every floor of your company moving. It's your ally in combating sedentary lifestyles and promoting an active lifestyle. Whether your colleagues prefer walking, cycling or even rollerblading, every move counts. They can track their progress in real time, set personal goals and see the positive impact of their actions on the planet. Make sustainable mobility the new habit that's good for you.
Our in-app messaging feature is the beating heart of the app. It's where we encourage each other, share useful tips and our best anecdotes. In short, where we enjoy each other's company a little more each day. So, how about a little SquadEasy?
iPhone 14 Pro Max (8)
mocup tracker fond jaune
Much more than a
connected challenge.

Create a dedicated space to share your achievements, your progress and even your aches and pains.
More than an app, a community that sweats together.

The aim? To triumph as a team, but not only that... Step by step, your health will benefit. You'll soon make sport part of your wellness routine.

You can combine your challenge with a donation to an association to promote your CSR strategy.

Our application is the essential tool for setting up step challenges, connected races, solidarity relay races, running challenges and step challenges!

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Catch me if you can

Thanks to our integrated GPS and pedometer, you can track, measure and improve your daily sporting performance.

With the only multimodal tracker on the market, there's no need for declarations.
Clearly, cheaters have it tough here.
Our application is designed to be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities and non-athletes. Don't leave anyone behind. One man's worth is another man's happiness.

It's the best way to challenge your whole company!